Services are for School Sustainability Leads, teachers, university lecturers or home-schoolers and tailored to individual circumstances.
Workshops, CPD, talks and Training
Workshops, CPD and INSET for educators -
£120 -1 hr (includes preparation, resource sharing and feedback) online and in person
interactive, practice-based sessions to deepen knowledge and skills. Topics and focus are agreed before hand but can include:
managing eco-emotions
education skills for climate resilience
empowering activism and action
intergenerational engagement for climate action and resilience
a whole school approach to climate wellbeing
Eco-emotions workshops - £120 - 1 hour
A soothing and hope-filled hour of psychological exercises to calm the nervous system and shift perspectives. Developed for families, but suitable for ages 6 -66 years. Online and in-person
Great topics - feelings & environment, perspectives. A calming presence and lovely introduction to meditation
Educational Psychologists' conference organiser
Thank you for your inspirational talk about climate activism (in small, medium or large ways!) at our conference...
It was a really good session and a lot of people said they really enjoyed it
The presentation is such a great resource. So many rich insights and information